Not that interested in Basketball personally, but this pretty much just seemed to be a NBA themed random number generator, or maybe it set, I didn't play it twice since it was generally boring.
Not that interested in Basketball personally, but this pretty much just seemed to be a NBA themed random number generator, or maybe it set, I didn't play it twice since it was generally boring.
Could've been something, but the controls were too poor for it to be much fun. Why not just make it a platformer instead of having cut scenes over and over? That would've been much better.
Pretty bad, the art sucked and I had no idea what was going on, nor the purpose of this game. Just a bunch of monkeys getting killed in a shitty art style.
Cute idea with the whole "cleaning the portal thing" I sympathize especially with seeing a whole lot of crap on this site, so I know how you feel. In of itself the game doesn't have much though. Hopefully the future versions have some improvement.
Another one of these style of games. This one had some more than most did, so you have that going for you, still not that funny since the joke has been made about a hundred times now.
Not the worst, but I can't say that it's very good. Looks poorly made art-wise and the concept is pretty generic. I liked the top down feel of it, but really you didn't do anything but target practice the whole time. The last level is also a bit BS since it teleports randomly.
Pretty similar to p00p adventure, though a little more simple obviously. Liked that things moved a little faster along in the sense that inactivity could lead to your death, but at the same time that's a bad thing too because it gives you less time to find the right place to click. More of a pixel hunt than anything else.
An okay fighting game, but there are plenty just like it, and this one has a few problems, like walking past your opponent makes it impossible to win, and you can get pushed off screen.
Pretty much the same thing as the first one, liked the style besides the stick animation aspect of it. Still immature and overdone, can't say that this is anything special.
Not the worst, but I can't say that it's very good. Looks poorly made art-wise and the concept is pretty generic. I liked the top down feel of it, but the game is too short to be anything good. Just as the guy says, it's too easy as well.
I'm gonna waste my time playing and reviewing all the games on Newgrounds and nobody can stop me
Age 22, Male
professional lameass
Joined on 10/2/19