It is what it says, a virtual lava lamp, with some music to accompany it. Interactivity is low for this one, as all you can do to affect the lamp it tell it what color to be.
It is what it says, a virtual lava lamp, with some music to accompany it. Interactivity is low for this one, as all you can do to affect the lamp it tell it what color to be.
Simple combination game, but more than a few potential ways of the fight going were left out. I liked the concept, but the stick art style left something to be desired. I felt that this format could have some more potential in the future.
That went nowhere, and looked generally horrible, I couldn't even tell what some things were. It seems every way you went ended in your death one way or another, and ultimately it was buggy mess. Having to restart with the long cut scene every time you died was very agitating.
I loved the graphics, and the music, felt very much like Castlevania, but man, it was unfair generally.
The fact that Dracula could spawn on top of you was what really made this bad, in fact, it's not so much that he could, it's just that you had no way of telling when. Besides that the ideal fighting mechanics would've worked out. (still very hard to hit the man without trading hits)
So there were two main bugs, if you held down attack, you'd infinitely hit with nothing, until you were damaged. The other one was you could get suspended in air until you jumped again, making you impervious to damage. Combining these two creates a soft lock. This version of the game seems to have had that happen less than the others.
So what can I say, you made a true NES replica, unfair, buggy, but still kinda fun.
PS: I found out to beat him most effectively, stay in the middle block, as he can't spawn completely on it, making you not take as much unfair teleport on you damage, and you can get to the guy fastest from that position. If he spawns on the edges of the screen you're gonna wanna dash jump and attack towards him, if he spawns rather close you'll want to be about a block away and then jump and hit. Still not a sure fire way of doing it though.
So the concept was actually pretty neat, but I think it was broken. The guards would only see you if you moved in the light, so they could pass over you if you stayed still like people being "invisible" to a T-Rex. Art was lame, and entertainment was minimal, but with the idea, it could've been a good stealth game.
Very trailer park-esque. I found the escalation of it all to be amusing, though I do wish you could hit the apple more than twice per. Even still I love the fact that he cares more for his beer and truck than his safety.
Basically the same as the first game with a little extra BS part where he dies. Still pointless, still a "kill x game."
First game I really have seen in this style, though it's not any better than an MS paint fill bucket tool.
Another "kill x game" I never find these that amusing. Why would you hate Bill Gates, he did wonders for the computer industry.
So that's an interesting way to do things, voting on score to select a portal theme, I don't think any were used, but personally I liked #3. This is a functional sound board, though now it would be redundant because of the audio portal.
I'm gonna waste my time playing and reviewing all the games on Newgrounds and nobody can stop me
Age 22, Male
professional lameass
Joined on 10/2/19