I've seen something much like this with the purple help monkey before, so that's something.
Can't say there's much to it, but you still get half a star for patriotism and half for shitpost quality.
I've seen something much like this with the purple help monkey before, so that's something.
Can't say there's much to it, but you still get half a star for patriotism and half for shitpost quality.
This seems like a cool idea, kinda reminds me of Absolom RPG with the dice rolls, but this one emphasizes it a bit more.
I rolled a nat 20 and did 2 damage, what gives? I know there is a defense roll on the enemy, but still. Overall it seemed functional and fun. If there was more to it I'm sure this could be great. I actually didn't like the music as it was mildly annoying.
Reminds me of Per the monkey from earlier this year, as it has the same premise of a monkey getting back at scientists that are experimenting on it. Though this one was a little more grim.
So the animation was good, but there is really only one choice that makes this a game rather than a movie, which I wish you could skip to if you're playing it over again instead of having to watch it twice. Concept was okay, but it didn't blow me out of the water.
So this claims to be a pretty good fighting game, and seems to have gotten the credit for it, but in reality it was pretty poorly done save for the graphics and music. There was a much better fighting game that went under the radar that came out right before this one too, which kinda hurts to see.
So the game is pretty shallow. Every fight ends in the same way with the same strategy. Walk up to an opponent, stun them by spamming attacks over and over until they are in a corner, and then they die. To prevent this you could've added a block or dodge mechanic, or made it possible for the characters to face more than one direction. But this game has none of those essential features.
The art was beautifully done, but that is everything there is to it. It's nice to look at and all, but terrible to play. On top of this, the characters' backstories were as generic as it gets, and you have to wait quite a while for it to cycle through all of them rather than seeing it when you select a character.
The game emphasizes on having 8 characters to play, but there is no variety between them outside of appearance.
You said that you made this for a college class, but I recognize the code from the side scrolling shooter going around this year. I'll ignore it since there was more to the game than just that though.
So, Mr. T verses Osama bin Laden, not a match up I ever expected, but know I know what I was waiting for in life. I pity a fool that didn't enjoy this to some extent, because it was quite funny, in that old Newgrounds violence type of way.
This also qualifies for an extra half star for patriotism. Congrats.
It's another one of those side scrolling shooter games that have been going around this year. I liked the pixel graphics going on, but can't say anything about this that was good or original. I probably would've given you a star, but you seem to no longer want this on the portal, so I'll rate it zero based on that wish.
So this kinda reminds me of an earlier submission called Nymian flyer. This was done well for a first person flash game, at least of its type.
The art style looks pretty nice overall, cartoonish even. Wasn't sure why you only get one use on the nuke, as it probably would've been better if it recharged over time.
You qualify for an extra half star for patriotism.
Not that good, I've seen much better virtual drums on the portal before this one. Without a beat mixer or hotkeys for sounds, this is significantly lacking.
You've posted this three times with little to no improvement between submissions.
I've seen something like this before, so I can't say it's original in concept, but I still can't figure it out because I'm a dumb ass. Still, it's functional, so you have that going for you.
I'm gonna waste my time playing and reviewing all the games on Newgrounds and nobody can stop me
Age 22, Male
professional lameass
Joined on 10/2/19