Basically just another assassination style game with a little theme attached to it. Overall it's just really nonsensical violence and poor animation, but that's to be expected from a 2002 flash. The nuclear bomb was mildly funny?
Basically just another assassination style game with a little theme attached to it. Overall it's just really nonsensical violence and poor animation, but that's to be expected from a 2002 flash. The nuclear bomb was mildly funny?
Not finished, but it shows some level of promise. There were a few problems, like being able to spam specials, or walking off the screen, but the art and movement seemed to be good. My favorite part is that you can infinitely roll into one another, so that's something.
Very short demo, but it shows some promise if you were to make a game out of it. The whole slowing down time thing by focusing is a cool concept, it actually kinda reminds me of Max Payne a bit. The art was nothing new, and the green guy not being able to be killed was odd, but it didn't really matter I guess.
I think I've seen other uses of this style of game, so maybe it was something open source, but that's not why it's bad.
So there only one enemy, and you can't hold down to have continuous fire, so basically you're just spam clicking at strawberry clock for a few minutes until you blow up. There are levels, but they are redundant because there is nothing new to each one. The sound was by far the worst part as it was way to loud and bass boosted. Playing this game with volume on is a mistake.
Nothing interesting here, just an unfinished virtual pet really. The only thing you can do is increase it's weight, and play asteroids, but worse.
Decent FPS that was made in a 3d engine. You don't see much of that in early Newgrounds.
So I thought that the story was basic, but I think this was meant to be more of a tech demo, so I won't dwell on that. As for control I thought moving in 4 directions was good and all, but not enough being that you were in the air. I think being able to actively move up and down could help the game a little, same with being able to rotate your field of vision.
The game got repetitive, but with the whole scoring system and three enemy types it wasn't as bad as some others I've seen around. A boss would be nice though.
Very basic game here, can't say there is much to it. You catch the falling objects, like other games of this type, and you get a score at the end. I missed only two on my first try, so it isn't that difficult. Maybe add some variety by having things you shouldn't catch, or maybe power ups could work.
Pretty much what I expected when I saw the thumbnail. Another classic clock crew shitpost right here. I guess I got the touch now.
Whatever happened to mouse traps? Are guns now more effective? What an odd age we live in.
Overall I can't say it was much good save for some effort that was put in to the art. The reticle was a little too small, so it proved rather difficult to aim at the rats. There was only one way to die, so if you knew the timing of the rat at the hole, then you could get an infinitely high score.
Dancing game with an overused concept, poor graphics, and broken mechanics. When you dance you have a chance to just start the game over from pressing a button a certain number of times. You can do literally nothing with this game.
I'm gonna waste my time playing and reviewing all the games on Newgrounds and nobody can stop me
Age 22, Male
professional lameass
Joined on 10/2/19