A shitpost of sorts, kinda okay, kinda not, it's not quite blammable because someone could find it potentially useful if they're bored... not really.
A shitpost of sorts, kinda okay, kinda not, it's not quite blammable because someone could find it potentially useful if they're bored... not really.
Odd title. An abstract game of sorts, everything was made in a psychedelic texture besides the bumble bee, which doesn't belong out on the sea...
I liked that you could mess around with the fish spawning after you died and whatnot. The most effective strategy was to stay in a corner it seemed, lasted me nearly a whole game.
Really short and dull demo, that really doesn't show much about what the game will be. Had an okay FPS aspect to it, but it's nothing that impressive to be sure. Animation was okay at best.
Kinda funny. This might be a joke, more I'm hoping that it is, since there is no way to escape at all. Just the unexpected element of it is the best part, and frankly the only positive that this game has to it.
Doesn't work on Newgrounds anymore it seems. Just says "movie not loaded."
It's a functional keyboard, but I can't say I know anything about the person on it. It would also not be very effective for prank calls. I've seen many of these types of things, but this one wasn't done very well at all.
Pretty poor remake of duck hunt to be blunt. The sprites for the ducks weren't cut out properly, nor was the click registration good at all. There wasn't anything keeping track of score, so the end screen is useless, and to top it all off, there was a long build up to nothing with the "extreme duck hunt."
I've seen much better.
Gave me a little bit of nostalgia to the Tech Deck Dudes fingerboards, but I can't say that this was especially good. Many of these skating games have such complicated controls, it's kinda ridiculous. Like, each one is so short, and has so little to do, do you expect me to memorize the controls when the game ends in 10 seconds? Keyboard mashing is much better...
The art was okay, but the music was annoying really, and there were a few levels, but I can't say any of them really stood out much. There was an arbitrary score that went up every time you hit a trick key, since it takes no skill to raise the number it didn't feel very important.
Pretty poorly done overall, though I enjoyed the customization at the beginning. All you can do is spam click and hope to win, which seemed pretty slim to do. I'm not sure if there was really any clear strategy to do this whatsoever.
I'm gonna waste my time playing and reviewing all the games on Newgrounds and nobody can stop me
Age 22, Male
professional lameass
Joined on 10/2/19