Odd game, kinda goes nowhere fast. There wasn't any effort on the art obviously, just another stick animation. The last one was low hanging fruit with the poop joke, so congrats, you're immature.
Odd game, kinda goes nowhere fast. There wasn't any effort on the art obviously, just another stick animation. The last one was low hanging fruit with the poop joke, so congrats, you're immature.
Pretty good concept for a game, the points were super satisfying to get, but how on Earth am I supposed to get 1,750,000 in one round?
I feel like if there were more weapons and levels and health this would make for an interesting gaming experience, but as it is now it's more sandbox.
Not the best version of this track and filed style of game, the animation leave a lot be to be desired and the plain background makes you uncertain of your speed at any given time. On top of that the controls would randomly cut out and make you go at zero speed, making hard mode impossible.
Simple and cute, and I like that @Frank2982 helped out with this since I enjoyed many of his puzzle games. I'm fairly certain that ultra hard was impossible as the time for the animation occupied most of the time you had.
Decent demo for a platformer or something, but there wasn't much to it. Looked interesting control wise.
The title made it seem like it would be cooler than this, but I'm pretty disappointed. It's just a mouse shooting game, where it take three shots to kill a massive rodent. Not much fun at all.
Pretty basic game, but a mostly functional one, and decently drawn too. You don't see many Bible based games on Newgrounds, unless it's making fun of it. Hard mode was near impossible.
Not any better than the first one really, just adds a different mechanic with the win screen showing up after a bit of time with a pretty bad looking animation. The scaling for victory was a little off, hitting one and never shooting again resulted in a win, so that's busted.
Well drawn and simple, just shows off your art really, but that's okay.
Like a multiplayer Newgrounds themed version of Limbs of Fury, very similar mechanics and art style all around. Still good, but it's a shame that you need two people to play when you have an AI that you could've used from the other game for a single player version of this.
I'm gonna waste my time playing and reviewing all the games on Newgrounds and nobody can stop me
Age 22, Male
professional lameass
Joined on 10/2/19