Err, less of a game and more of a lame comic. There isn't any fighting in it, just a bunch of talking. With how many dragon ball episodes there are, I don't see why anyone would bother reading this instead of watching the show.
Err, less of a game and more of a lame comic. There isn't any fighting in it, just a bunch of talking. With how many dragon ball episodes there are, I don't see why anyone would bother reading this instead of watching the show.
Saw a rather similar one uploaded not too long before this, but you did more with the idea, so I'll still give you the credit for originality. I don't think the questions should be the same each time you play so that there can be some legitimate challenge to it instead of just memorization. Nice job with the spinning wheel when you miss a question, it adds a good level of suspense.
A mildly entertaining platformer. It wasn't terrible in concept, but the controls were a bit sensitive, and it was overall very rusty.
You could clip into walls at certain points, and you didn't get any invincibility frames when you were hit, so it would drain your health instead of ticking it down. The combat system is unrefined, it pretty much consists of holding down space and hoping enemy health depletes faster than yours. I saw what you were going for with the day and night cycle, but it really didn't work out, and just made the game look weird because it passed too quickly.
Overall, it wasn't terrible, but could've been done much better.
Well it was a nice choice based game, but it would've been much better if you had some more endings where you didn't end up dead, or had some code that actually detected if you had gotten the map or not. As it is, people will ask you for the map for no reason, and will try to coax you out of something you don't have, just an odd oversight.
The good ending is rather easy to get, could be better if you needed to meet more conditions along the line.
Very low effort pet game here, it just has many of the early Newgrounds violence and toilet jokes, but doesn't take any new spin on it. If there was actually something to do with him besides click one button to signify an action, it would be a whole lot more interesting.
Not very original as I've seen some other things just like it on the portal before this. I'm not sure why you bothered to have the score count down if you would lose points for missing anyways. There was a pretty high chance that after a short bit the ball becomes erratic and near impossible to hit. Needs some work on the dimensions, as it was difficult to tell where the ball really was.
Pointless shooter with a rather short time to shoot. There is no challenge here, and the music doesn't quite fit well at all.
Well it works, you have that going for you, but it basically just taking songs you don't own and putting them into this. The interface was lacking, and this is basically just a soundboard.
Just an engine with nothing much else to it. It ran okay, but you quickly find yourself with nothing to do. I guess this was just a test to see how people responded.
Another one of those side scrolling shooters that have been around the early 2000's portal. This one has a relevant theme to it, and some nice music, but it mostly just more of the same.
I'm gonna waste my time playing and reviewing all the games on Newgrounds and nobody can stop me
Age 22, Male
professional lameass
Joined on 10/2/19