Simple and not bad, had some odd handling though, but I think it was on purpose. Overall it wasn't the most original thing, but it had some good graphics and fairly balanced game play for this type of game in 2002.
Simple and not bad, had some odd handling though, but I think it was on purpose. Overall it wasn't the most original thing, but it had some good graphics and fairly balanced game play for this type of game in 2002.
Not really bad, but really just too generic and simple to be anything good. The two modes gave it a little more variety, but the fact that it had no sound, and some inaccurate hitboxes made the game a lot worse than it could've been.
Well there was some effort here, but a fighting game with no AI usually gets old pretty fast. Not to mention the game was overall unbalanced as some attacks were just flat out better than others. Animation and sprites were really nice looking though. However the background cancels it out because they look way too simplistic in comparison.
Pretty simple optical illusions, some I've seen, some I haven't. Would be nice if you explained how they worked instead of just having everything in a slideshow fashion. Definitely not the most unique game as I've seen three or four just like this one.
Not a terrible idea here, funny even, however this second version is still very rough around the edges. The movement was mostly fine, maybe a little sensitive and unpolished, but it definitely worked. The grab mechanic was interesting, much better than just bumping into things to pick them up. The cops were also fixed in this version so that they actually damage you when you bump into them, this ended up being neutralized by the fact that they still damage you when you jump on their heads...
Overall, good game, but still needs quite a bit of work. Also you don't need to beat the boss to finish, and it will send you back to level three when you beat the game.
Pretty much the same as all the other flashes about killing stick figures, but hey this one was mildly better animated than most others around the time as well as had some more options, so I can give you some credit.
A pretty generic game here about torturing / having having Bonzi as a pet. There wasn't much unique about it as I've already seen two other submissions maim him in other ways. I do appreciate that you got the actual voice file for it though.
Unique for the idea of putting a profile into a game, but overall it looked sloppy. I assume that when you say you were working on a project with this engine you were talking about clock land, and that seems pretty neat.
The only thing wrong with the movement was the speed of falling, which was a little too slow to keep things interesting.
A decent joke, but a terrible game.
I have to say it's quite funny seeing back to back quality game, and lazy rip off of that game less than 12 hours later. I get it was a joke, and that's what makes this good. The description only added to the shitpost quality that this game has.
This was cute little project, with something you don't see very often on the early portal: live camera footage. It was unique in the sense of art style, and concept. I don't think I've ever gotten a mission to kill the creator of the game in early flash yet. Overall it was pretty simple though, since there was only one enemy over and over. Even with that, however, you managed to keep it more interesting by having them slide onto the screen in different ways. Good job working with such limited elements.
I'm gonna waste my time playing and reviewing all the games on Newgrounds and nobody can stop me
Age 22, Male
professional lameass
Joined on 10/2/19